I like to think that I’ve always been a writer. As soon as I knew how to write, I put pen to paper. Before I could record them, I was making up stories, alternate worlds, and even my own languages. If I wasn’t writing, I was reading, or at the very least, I was telling a story. So, I guess some might think of me more along the lines of a storyteller than a writer. Then again, what’s the difference?
I was born and raised in the quaint and oh-so-rural Southwest corner of Minnesota. My brother and I spent much of our childhood roaming around on our grandparent’s farmland until our parents moved us into a town of around 1500 people, where they opened a used bookstore. This early introduction to the open prairie as my backyard, paired with being surrounded by books day in and day out, gave me a deep appreciation for all things outdoors and literature.

After studying Communication Arts and Literature in Duluth, MN (an outdoor mecca in the midwest), I moved west to Colorado and pursued teaching. I soon discovered that the lifestyle of a teacher didn’t truly suit my personality. So, I continued to journey west to Utah. The Utah desert forever changed me, and I feel an irreversible draw to all desert landscapes. I’ve moved around a bit since then, but wherever I am, I’m always exploring.
I’ve worked in multiple facets of the outdoor industry, including as a wilderness survival guide, backpacking guide, rock climbing instructor, and even organic market farmer. Alongside these various job pursuits, I’ve always been writing. At first, I would write for myself. It was a way to digest and reflect on my experiences and learn more about who I was and where I wanted to go.
Then, almost eight years ago, I decided I should share my knowledge with others.
I started out my freelance writing career working in the health and wellness industry, but I slowly shifted my focus to outdoor and environmental writing. Health and wellness are still a large part of my daily life, but I am drawn to the mission of sharing the outdoors with others.
Not only that, but I am drawn to sharing introspective ways of perceiving our world and the environment around us.

I've lived in numerous places and continued to explore as a digital nomad until finally laying down roots in Wenatchee, WA. It’s crazy for me to think about my journey to this place. I have experienced so many landscapes, people, and cultures. I couldn’t be happier to be here as I continue to learn and grow as a writer and editor.
As a part of my journey combining environmentalism and writing, I wrote my first book, Outdoor Minimalist: Waste Less Hiking, Camping, and Backpacking, host the partner podcast titled Outdoor Minimalist, and am the writer and producer of the Forever Chemicals Podcast Series.